HFSecurity iCloud Payment POS System Solution

 Online Mall

Business pain points & industry changes

Operating Pain Points

1. Curing the way to attract customer flow

2. Low conversion rate of members

3. Rising costs of all kinds

4. Serious competition


Supermarket Confusion


1. Community convenience in full swing

2. Variety of fresh fruit shop

3. Models such as distribution, group purchases,and live broadcast micro-businesses are mature

4. Opponents grab members, engage in marketing,and grab traffic

5. Supermarket, the era of lying down money is over

Industry changes

01 Changes in business thinking

From waiting for customers to come to the door to attracting customers; from doing business around commodities todoing business around people; from onetime sales to long-term stable transaction

02 Online and offline integrated marketing

Give full play to offline advantages, build online and offline integration, and an omni-channel operation system to achieve complementation of customer groups, scenarios and channels

03 Data transformation

On the basis of store operation, use data to analyze and master the operation situation, improve the efficiency of retail supply management, and realize the digital transformation of the retail industry.


Upgrade Thinking

1. How can supermarkets provide more convenience?

2. How can supermarkets provide better service?

3. How can supermarkets provide more suitable products?

4. How do supermarkets change from promotion thinking to marketing?

5. How can supermarkets communicate more accurately to customers?

6. Can supermarkets achieve more frequent customer interactions




ipayment cloud solution

02 Product Features

Product Features

Register an account to use


 1. No need for high investment in hardware and network equipment;;

 2. No need for complex deployment;

 3. Small investment, easy to use, easy to maintain, and can be used by registering an   account.

 4. The operation is simple, and you can get started in a few minutes

Quick launch

Peripheral parameter cloud backup

After the electronic scale, labeling machine and other parameters are set, they can be backed up to the cloud.

Whether it is reinstalling the system or opening a new store, as long as it is the same type of hardware, it can be downloaded with one click and connected immediately.
This also makes preparations for the opening of subsequent branches of the merchant in advance.
